Il Conte Cozio di Salabue: Violin Making and Collecting in Piedmont

Hardcover book/catalog of the exhibition held October 2005 in Casale Monferrato, commemorating the 250th anniversary birthday of Cozio. The book shows an exquisite representation of the widely recognized Piedmontes violin making school. Just to name a few makers included in this book: Luigi Azzola, Enrico Catenar, Antonio Guadagnini, Carol Guadagnini, Felice Guadagnini, Francesco Guadagnini, Gaetano Guadagnini, Giovanni Battista Guadagnini, Giuseppe Guadagnini, Giuseppe II Guadagnini, Paolo Guadagnini, Edoardo Marchetti, Enrico Marchetti, Giovanni Francesco Pressenda, Rocca Giuseppe, and Spirito Sorsana. 169 pages Dimension 9.5 x 13 inches.

(click on images for larger version, when available)
$245.00 (plus $17.50 shipping & handling - international fees may vary)

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