Meisel Family - Violinmakers

Meisal Family - Violinmakers - Klingenthal, Vogtland, Saxony by K. Lothar Meisel with Betty Vos

Early in 1949 at the age of only nineteen, a violinmaker who had just passed his apprenticeship examination made the dangerous journey from his Klingenthal home in East Germany’s Music Corner to the West and to freedom. His name was Lothar Meisel, and in his veins flowed the blood of eight previous generations of Meisel family violinmakers who had passed the craft from father to son for nearly three centuries. Eventually Lothar came to settle in the United States in southern Minnesota, where he has continued to create and repair violins to the present day.

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$225.00 (plus $17.50 shipping & handling - international fees may vary)

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